Sunday, January 6, 2008

The New Rage

A California man was arrested for digging 50 holes on mountain bike trails. Apparently he had been run off the trail by a mountain biker and decided to exact some revenge. I'm a frequent mountain biker and I've ridden on trails, as well as through cities. It's pretty difficult to run a pedestrian off the road while biking (, I didn't try), which leads me to believe that he was already a few sandwiches short of a picnic.
I can already envision where this is going. Bike rage will quickly become an epidemic, especially since the eco-nuts want us to abandon vehicles and bike everywhere.
Soon there will be 12 step groups meeting throughout the country full of people suffering from bike rage. "Hello my name is George and I have bike rage. It's been two months since I last lined a trail with claymore mines".
You're walking on a bike trail, turn down George Michael on your IPod and pay attention!

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