Friday, February 1, 2008

Berkley to be annexed to Iran

No, this isn't really happening, however, in my world I've already sent them packing. I caught this article from Fox News, as well as the retort from Sen. Jim DeMint. There are very few things in life that will make me shake with rage, and this is one of them. I understand that we live in a free society (thanks to those Marines, and many others), and that free citizens in this country have a right to express themselves. However, what this city council has done is bordering on criminal. Not only is the city council telling the military that they can't run a recruiting station, they're also giving an anti-war group the right to protest in front of the recruiting station. Last time I checked, this was an all volunteer force. Nobody is being forced to join the military. As a matter of fact, the military has given opportunities to those that society had discarded as trouble makers. So does this mean that if there is a store in my local business district that I don't like that I can get a petition and bring it before the city council to have said business thrown out of the area?
I really hope that Sen. DeMint follows through with his threats and cuts off any federal funding for the city of Berkley. Maybe Code Pink can pitch in some funds to help the city. Perhaps its members could volunteer their time by teaching the School Districts Anti-American, California First program. I'm sure that the city would appreciate any opportunity to have their young indoctrinated into the Pinko ranks.
If Berkley were ever the site of some sort of Nuclear, Biological, or Chemical attack, the first responders to that disaster would probably be the military (most likely National Guard). Those men and women would face grave danger. There's a chance that some could get injured, or die due to exposure. Would they risk it for people they had never met? Absolutely! Why? It's their job and they're willing to die for this country and all her citizens.
Berkley doesn't realize how good they have it. You don't like America's policies overseas? Fine, that's your right as a citizen. Let your voice be heard on election day. But don't take out your anger on those who have sworn an oath to protect you. I know, you say "we don't need a military".
Guess what, you're wrong! Even if we all laid down our arms, donned togas, and chanted we would still be hated and terrorist organizations would still try to destroy us. Why? Because we're a shining example of a free society and it scares them.
You don't want to live in a free society? Move! There are plenty of socialistic societies that have vacancies. I hear there's room in France. They don't even like guns!!


Sally said...

Tag - you read, I know you do, you can't deny it :) And your wife started this, so don't blame me ;)

Anonymous said...

thx rfor you sharing~~learn it by heart ........................................